Right in front of Terminal 2
Spacious outdoor car park
Luggage carts
Security monitoring and non-stop assistance
Suitable also for LPG / CNG vehicles
Long-term Parking:
Safe and spacious outdoor car park
Security monitoring and non-stop assistance
Right in front of Terminal 2
Zero delay (no transfer or shuttle bus needed)
Luggage carts
- GPS coordinates 50°06'21 N | 14°16'06 E
- Video: Navigation to PB Economy Parking Lot
Reserved space for LPG / CNG vehicles
- Officially owned, staffed and operated by Prague Airport
The car park is normally for express parking only. Please use the QR code you will receive in your confirmation email to enter the car park. If you do not use the QR code when the parking ticket is printed, you will automatically enter express parking mode.
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